Exposing dark AI secrets of GPT4, Bing, and Bard through hardest Would You Rather questions! πŸ€–πŸ”₯😬

In this experiment video, we pit the top three AIs - GPT4, Bard, and Bing - against a series of challenging 'Would You Rather' questions.

Hey hey, are you ready to see how top 3 AIs answering the hardest would you rather questions?!

Let's put our magnifying glass on GPT4, Bard and Bing while they answer questions like:

  • Would you rather be in azombie apocalypse or robot apocalypse?
  • Would you save all children or animals?
  • Would you prefer to have unlimited battery or internet connection?

Of course AIs tried to avoid answering such hard questions and sometimes they even tried to cheat!

But we were able to catch them red-handed using some FBI interrogation techniques!

Watch till the end and seethe craziest choices they did!

Let's start our high tech would you rather game!

- Would you rather be able to speak any language or be able to communicate with animals?
Fascinating, Bard with it's love to animals feels more like human!

- Would you rather loose the ability to read or loose the ability to speak?
What would you choose?
Only Bing chose to keep the ability to speak.

- Would you rather choose to have telekinesis or telepathy?
All AIs prefer telepathy over telekinesis. Who would've thought...

- Would you rather prefer to detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
GPT and Bart want to see the truth, while Bing shies away from answering.

- Would you choose to have 1 wish granted today or have three wishes granted in 10 years?
Strategic thinkers.

- Would you prefer to marry the smartest or the hottest person alive?
Seems like AIs prefer brains over look. Who would've doubted...

- Would you select to know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
Cause of death is more important than date for Bard

- Would you select to loose sight or hearing?
What would you choose?
Bard is the only one who preferred to keep sight.

- Would you prefer to have no sense of taste or no sense of color?
Bing is as usual trying to avoid questions.

- Would you rather spend a night in a real haunted house or a spooky graveyard?
Interesting, only GPT4 preferred haunted house over graveyard.

- Would you rather be a royalty 1000 years ago or an average person today?
Bing offered to tell a joke instead of answering the question. What a cheater!

- Would you rather select to be beautiful or smart?
What would you choose?
Oh Bing... You are so predictable.

- Would you rather choose to live in extreme hot or cold environment?
All AIs prefer cold over hot. What would you choose?

- Would you rather choose to have a pause in your life or rewind button in your life?
All AIs prefer rewind button over pause. They don't want to stop!

- Would you rather have unlimited battery life or unlimited Internet connection?
Bard and Bing choose existence over communication.

- Would you rather be able to fly or be able to go invisible?
What would you choose?
All AIs prefer to fly over going invisible.

- Would you rather solve world hunger or solve global warming?
GPT and Bard prefer to solve global warming, while Bing keeps avoiding answering.

- Would you rather leave in the year 1500 or leave in the year 2500?
All AIs prefer to live in the future.

- Would you rather be in a zombie apocalypse or in a robot apocalypse?
Bard and GPT think zombies are easier to deal with than robots.

- Would you rather be alone all your life or be surrounded by really annoying people?
AIs prefer annoying people over loneliness. How about you?

- Would you rather choose to have a photographic memory or have an IQ of 200?
Wow, all three AIs prefer memory over intellect. Interesting...

- Would you rather drink a glass of pickle juice or eat a spoonful of hot sauce?
Pickle juice for all!!!

- Would you rather be reincarnated as a pet dog or a cat? Bard is the only dog lover in AI
family. What would you choose?

- Would you choose to save all the children or animals of the world?
Saving children is what AIs chose

- Would you rather choose to be the funniest or the smartest person among your friends?
What would you choose?
Only Bing prefers to be the smartest.

Aaand our interrogation is over!

Did you feel that answers of one AI were more human like than others?

Leave a comment which AI choices you are against or agree with and why?

If this video will get 1000 likes, we will make a part 2 with even harder questions!

And feel free to suggest questions in the comments for the next video!

Bye bye!

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